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HAYVN strengthens its asset management division with strategic Hilbert Group partnership

Thursday, September 14, 2023
Opalesque Industry Update - HAYVN, a digital currency focused financial institution offering Trading, Asset Management, Custody, Payments, and Research, has announced a strategic partnership with NASDAQ First North listed Hilbert Group AB. This collaboration opens new avenues for HAYVN clients, granting them direct access to Hilbert's sophisticated asset management product suite.

HAYVN launched its Asset Management division in 1Q 2023, and currently offers clients access to the HAYVN 20 digital asset index fund. Hilbert Capital, the asset management business of Hilbert Group AB, offers a range of quantitative strategies catering to the different needs of institutional investors: long-only, long-short long bias and long-short market neutral. Each shares the same investment philosophy based on fundamental mathematical theory and real-world trading experience, underpinned by institutional risk management. By bringing Hilbert's powerful product suits into the HAYVN ecosystem, HAYVN can now offer its clients a broader range of Hilbert managed funds.

Christopher Flinos, CEO of HAYVN commented, "Hilbert was the standout candidate for our Asset Management division. Partnering with a listed firm such as Hilbert, gives HAYVN Asset Management access to a seasoned team of investment professionals who have been managing money through bull and bear markets across multiple industries. The Hilbert team delivers to HAYVN clients years of investment and risk management experience, transparency as a listed company, together with a meticulous investment process, ensuring the appropriate opportunities are made available for HAYVN clients."

Niclas Sandstrom, CEO of Hilbert Group AB added, "We are excited and humbled about this venture. HAYVN gives Hilbert access to an exclusive group of clients (over 1500, many +1BUS$ and predominantly located in Europe, Middle East and Asia). Beyond the global customer base currently trading through HAYVN, we also see an opportunity to integrate investment products throughout the broader HAYVN product suite, including Custodial Services and the Payments business."

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