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Thomas Schumann Capital launches natural resources fund to acquire and monetize Arctic freshwater rights of 150 trillion liters

Sunday, March 26, 2023
Opalesque Industry Update - Thomas Schumann Capital (TSC) launches the first-ever Natural Resources Fund to acquire and monetize Greenland's and Alaska's freshwater exploration rights of more than 150 trillion liters for 20 years. The Luxembourg private fund aligns with United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 6 "Sustainable Management of Water".

Thomas Schumann Capital was founded 2011 in Delaware and is considered the leading investment solutions provider for UN SDG 6. In 2017 TSC created TSC Water Security Index, the world's first-ever equity index family to qualify and quantify Water risk in equities. As part of the indices development, the "Water Footprint" concept emerged, a "first" for global capital markets.

The "Water Footprint" of the TSC Water Security Index Family averages a 50% lower value than that of the traditional equity benchmarks of MSCI World, S&P500 and EuroSTOXX 50. When the Ceres Valuing Water Finance Initiative (VWFI) launched in August 2022, TSC was one of the original signatories, with 62 other global firms, with over $10 trillion in assets under management.

TSC's new private fund capitalizes on the global freshwater demand projected to outstrip supply by 40% by 2030. The fund's underlying super premium Arctic freshwater assets are being monetized through long-term Water Purchase Agreements (WAP) with corporates, nations and municipalities in drought-stricken regions that are in need of augmenting and insuring their freshwater supply.

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