Investor Workshop: Why & How to Protect Yourself From Apocalyptic Thinking with Larry Siegel, David S. Rose and Ric Edelman

Save the Children (and Your Investments) From Apocalyptic Thinking: Why the Bad News is Mostly Wrong

Doomsday scenarios can cloud our thinking and misguide our investments. Why do so many people fear the future? Is their concern justified, or can we look forward to greater wealth and continued improvement in the way we live?

Many people believe that our world is experiencing stagnant economic growth, climatic deterioration, dwindling natural resources, and an unsustainable level of population increase. The world is doomed, they argue, and there are just too many problems to overcome.

But is this really the case? The world is full of challenges, and we need to tackle them head on. But we need to teach our children, and adults, the facts about how we went from an almost entirely impoverished world to a moderately affluent one in the last 250 years, and how they can help that trend to continue and flourish in those parts of the world that have not benefited as much as we have.

And, to become better investors, we need to understand how to take advantage of the progress that is almost certain to take place within our lifetimes and beyond.

Things we discussed:

  • Where and why the world has improved-and will continue to improve
  • How the dramatic slowing in global population growth spreads prosperity from the developed to the developing world
  • How technology is helping billions of people rise above levels of mere subsistence
  • How to develop independent thinking and find your own fact based position
  • How to build resilient portfolios which also capture the upside of technological growth and innovation.

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