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Fund invests across the entire value chain

Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Agriculture - has a history of structural underinvestment.

A SQUARE :: 17Jun09 Fund invests across the entire value chain
Category Agriculture
Faculty Van Der Geer Gerardus
Expertise Agriculture
Author Sona Blessing
Faculty Name
Invests in companies that exhibit high growth potential; have commercially viable prospects; are active in a niche, specialised players - rather than large, more well-known groups
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More research related to Agriculture

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[09May13] [Agriculture, Water, Energy] A SQUARE 10 May 2013
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[22Jul09] [Agriculture & Real Estate] An Australian Investment Opportunity
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[18Mar09] [Agriculture] Why lease agri-land as opposed to purchasing it
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[06Oct08] [Dairy Farming/ Agriculture] Hard asset based - land; dairy, cattle arable farming fund
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[14Apr08] [Agriculture/ Soft Commodities] Agricultural Trading Fund
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[18Dec07] [Agriculture] Agriculture: Why invest now?
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[10Oct07] [Agriculture] An Agriculture Fund
Fund that invests in equities as opposed to futures with themes that include – fish farms, agro +bio -tech seeds, milk, farming equipment, etc.


[26Feb07] [Agriculture] NGMO Index
An agriculture index that is non US centric and focuses on non-genetically modified commodity futures

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