Mon, Jul 22, 2024
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Opalesque Tracks help you take control of your news flow
What is an Opalesque Track?

Opalesque Tracking allows you to set up any number of search-words (tracks). As soon as we publish a story which includes your search-word, we will instantly email you. As of today, other Opalesque users have set up already 15096 Opalesque Tracks. From today on, you can do the same, setting up as many Tracks as you like, and edit them at any time.

What are the advantages of setting up Opalesque Tracks?

With Opalesque Tracking, you will never miss an important development. With Opalesque Tracking, you decide what you are interested in, and Opalesque delivers you focused and targeted news - the ideal solution for all who want to decide for themselves, which information counts.

The advantage of an Opalesque Track is that you can rely on Opalesque's qualitative filter and editorial process. An Opalesque Track delivers a targeted and filtered news flow.

Who is using Opalesque Tracks?

A number of sizable fund of funds ($20bln+ firms) and hedge fund investors already use Opalesque Tracks to efficiently monitor the news flows related to the hedge funds they are invested in or which are on their watch list, which can be over 500 funds.

WHEN can I start using Opalesque Tracks?

For a small fee of $30, you can upgrade to an Alternative Market Briefing GOLD subscription (AMB GOLD) and start setting up Opalesque Tracks immediately. Only AMB GOLD subscribers eligible to set up Opalesque Tracks.

Please set up your Tracks right now at this link.

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