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User testimonials on Opalesque Alternative Market Briefing

I've been reading your newsletter for the past few years and have always enjoyed it.
Manuel Prenant, Executive Director - Alternative investments, JPMorgan

I love your work and read Opalesque religiously.
Mike Kelly, Co-CEO & Chief Investment Officer at FrontPoint Partners

Matthias, we have been grateful subscribers since the early days. It has been a great resource for us, very global, extremely efficient and I will highly recommend it to others
Patricia Hennessy, Strategic Development, AIG Investments

I find your daily Opalesque briefings to be the most timely and relevant news service for keeping on top of industry events
Justin Partington, Head of Private Equity, Langham Hall

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Your service is invaluable.
Gwen Robinson, Financial Times (FT Alphaville)

Thank you for the Alternative Market Briefing. I look forward to it each day.
George A. Hambrecht, Barlow Partners Inc.

This service is exceptional.
Ben Cotton, Earth Capital Partners

I still enjoy Opalesque - my first read of the day!
Jeffrey I. Rosenthal, Anchin, Block & Anchin LLP

I love your Alternative Market Briefing.
Mark Quandt, Man Investments

I'm a happy new reader of Opalesque newsletters and wanted to say thank you for the great products.
Josh Inglis, Strategics, Inc.

"Opalesque offers the only alternative investment news that is worth reading every day."
Dr. Philippa Malmgren, Founder of The Canonbury Group and former Financial Market Advisor to President George W. Bush

Opalesque changed the world by bringing transparency where there was opacity and by delivering an accurate professional reporting service.
Nigel Blanchard, Culross

"Alternative Market Briefing is the only thing I read, because it is the only thing one needs to read to stay on top of what goes on in the world of alternative investments."
Harry M. Kat, PhD, Professor of Risk Management and Director Alternative Investment Research Centre, Cass Business School, City University London

"You need information on hedge funds in trouble. Get access to websites that disseminate news on the hedge fund industry, like the stellar"
Financial Times (FT Wealth)

"If you have time to read only ONE email a day on hedge funds, it MUST be Opalesque: If it matters, Matthias Knab has got it."
Paolo di Montorio-Veronese, President & CEO, PdMV Capital

"Hello Matthias, Thought I'd share this with you...every time I mention your newsletter - everyone seems to know of it and I hear only very complimentary comments - such as: he really knows his stuff - he is great - it's worth every penny.....Now isn't that nice to hear! "
Daniela Tonel, Kruger

Who is reading Opalesque? It's the hard working, dedicated professional work force, and it's really the industry's elite - users, who value their time, and don't compromise by going for second best:

  • "It is either my kids or the coming Opalesque update that gets me up at 4 am more often than I'd like to admit...The daily Briefing provides a nice daily summary. I like the random funny news items at the bottom best."
    David Einhorn, Greenlight Capital
  • "You have a very good product!"
    Harvey McGrath, Chairman Man Group
  • "I am an Opalesque user and find the insights offered therein invaluable in assessing the landscape of our industry and determining our own business strategy and plan of attack."
    Daniel Loeb, Third Point
  • "I am an Opalesque subscriber, and I find it uniquely focussed and thorough in meeting our need to keep abreast quickly of important developments in the hedge fund industry."
    Izzy Englander, Millennium Partners
  • "I find Opalesque's daily summaries of all the hedge fund related news exceptionally helpful."
    Cliff Asness, AQR
  • "Opalesque is a very useful addition to my research"
    Michael Hintze, CEO of CQS, London
  • "Thanks. This is one of the few emails I get and read at home. Given that most emails I get, I don't even read (at home, or the office) this is a high hurdle you have achieved. Kudos. Keep up the good work."
    John Brynjolfsson, Co-Founder and CIO, Armored Wolf LLC

As a daily reader of Opalesque, I want to first and foremost compliment your efforts in providing a complete picture of the Alternative Investment community.
Christopher Kurimay, Neural Markets

I find this very helpful. I was so impressed with the quality of your report and shared it with my colleague.
Susan Payne, Harris myCFO

I have admired your writing and coverage of hedge funds and their investors for some years...
Jane Abitanta, Perceval Associates, Inc.

I found very interesting articles on Opalesque. Thank you!
Roberto Mirabelli, Londinium Capital Management Ltd

I truly enjoy your newsletter.
John Breault, Co-Founder of Alt Investment Practice & Managing Director, MJE Advisors

We all enjoy reading the mails and site.
Bard Sullenger, GAIA Capital

We enjoy reading your Opalesque Futures Intelligence and Round Table Series very much.
William Brady, Presidio Management

Thank you for the continuous supply of valuable information.
Shaun C. Gee, Alchemy Ventures, Inc.

I find the Alternative Market Briefing essential daily reading!
Christine Williamson, Pensions & Investments

You do a terrific job with the Alternative Market Briefing
Rob Murray, Senior Reporter, Total Alternatives/Alternative Investment News

I certainly enjoy the newsletter daily - keep up the good work!
Mark Linnan, Managing Director, Indian Harbor LLC

We continue to enjoy Opalesque's Market Briefing. Great stuff.
Ian Tracy, Acceleration Capital

I would like to tell you how much I enjoy your publication. I am a longtime subscriber and I find it to be a truly comprehensive source of what's going on in the alternative market. As an accounting partner who specializes in the hedge fund world I find the information and the insights you provide a valuable tool.
Jeffrey I. Rosenthal, Partner, Anchin, Block & Anchin LLP

I think the email is still by far the best news source available for our industry.
Alex Wise, Head of Legal & Due Diligence, Sigma Asset Management (Guernsey)

Congratulations on your good product. I read Opalesque every morning at the office, in fact it's usually one of the first things I do. There are many sources of news about alternative investments, there is only one Opalesque. I wish you continued success!
Gerald Brant, CypressTree Investment Management

I can fully rely on you to be updated on a daily basis. If I have no time to read (anything else), Alternative Market Briefing is the only newsletter that I check.
Atsko Nakajima, Ueda Yagi Securities

I like the broad range and the summaries that help me to allocate my reading time.
Ann Marie Chipelo

Your newsletter is an absolute highlight of the day. Keep up the good work!
Carla de Waal, Portfolio Manager, Novare Investments (Pty) Ltd

You do a fantastic job - very impressive! I tell everyone about your newsletter because I know they will feel the same.
Anne Marie Gagnon

You seriously do have the best summary news service out there, thanks for providing.
Rob Martin, Summit Capital

BRAVO to you on a job well done. This is the one subscription I would never try and do without.
Carol Kessler, PCS Hedge

"What you provide is just what I want - a bit of everything all in one place that is delivered in a timely manner. Opalesque Alternative Market Briefing is the best compendium of daily information both in terms of breadth and timeliness."
James Canales, Octane Funds

"I received from a colleague of mine your report. As you well know, the alternative investment universe, particularly the hedge funds universe, is the modern jungle, in which every one try to save himself. Your daily work is on of the best I have seen in the last years. Thanks a lot for your constant job."
Pierfranco Di Muro, Portfolio Manager Alternative Investments, BNL SpA Gruppo BNP Paribas

"The service is truly superior!"
Tony Wiseman, WynVale Financial Group

"Just yesterday I saw the following headlines from Matthias Knab's excellent newsletter Opalesque..."
James Altucher in

"It is the first email I receive regarding Hedge Funds every day. It is the only one I need."
Jeffrey Heely, Heely Capital LLC

"As usual, your work continues to be of the highest quality, you miss so little and your Amaranth coverage has been really brilliant, always keeping abreast of every new twist and turn ahead of all your imitators."
Gustaf Bradshaw

"Your coverage of the Amaranth situation has been second to none, and I have found your briefings to be the best out there in hedge fund land. "
Charles Marsh, CFA, Gerber/Taylor Management

"Opalesque Alternative Market Briefing is a fabulous boost to productivity. It keeps me informed and ahead of the game. Your resources and insight are extremely valuable. AMB offers tangible news/information that we incorporate into our investment consulting practice."
John Martin, Sawyer Martin Group/Baird

I am the co-leader of our hedge fund practice here at Spencer Stuart - I enjoy reading your news service and am impressed by its thoroughness. I find it the best daily news service to keep abreast of daily happenings in the global hedge fund industry.”
Lisa Baird, Spencer Stuart

"Thanks to you for offering such service: it is really comprehensive and always the first one in arriving in the morning."
Patrizia Granata, Strathmore Capital LLP

"I love your service and is a great way to efficiently keep on top of the hedge fund space."
Jennifer Collins, CA, CPA, Associate Director, Head of Client Relationship Management - Americas, UBS

"Keep up the excellent work."
Joaquin Castillo A., Managing Partner, Criterium Capital Management Ltd.

Maybe some view me as being in a privileged information position as regards events in the hedge fund industry and I probably am but I use Alternative Market Briefing to see what I am not hearing elsewhere. For anyone without a large information infrastructure the Briefings must certainly help to "even the playing field" and for those with a large information infrastructure the Briefings are an valued additional support.”
David Smith, Chief Investment Officer, GAM

"I have enjoyed this service enormously and found it very useful. Thank you again for the excellent service."
Peter Dickinson, Director of Strategic Investments, Merrill Lynch Global Private Banking Group

Keep up the good work!!”
Marc Gabelli, Gabelli Asset Management

Alternative Market Briefing continues to be first-rate!”

"Excellent daily summary of hedge funds. I particularly like the practical links to the source articles.”
Jack Schwager, Senior Portfolio Manager, The Fortune Group, Author

"Opalesque Alternative Market Briefing has become part of my daily routine. There is no better source for timely and comprehensive news on the hedge fund industry. Matthias clearly has cornered the market on information sources!"
James R. Hedges, Founder, President and Chief Investment Officer of LJH Global Investments

"I consider the Alternative Market Briefing an efficient way to master all the daily hedge fund related headlines."
Alexander M. Ineichen, CFA, CAIA, Managing Director and Head of AIS, UBS, Author

"In most hedge fund newsletters, there are many rumors, lots of outdated information and a few important news. Alternative Market Briefing is the best access point for the important news. A must read for an investment professional."
FranÇois-Serge Lhabitant, Kedge Capital, Professor EDHEC, Author

"I enjoy receiving the Opalesque daily news letter.”
Ed G. Robertiello, CFA,
Senior Managing Director of Investments & Research, Asset Alliance Corporation

"Thank you for a FAB news service”
Dana Hall, Managing Director, Lighthouse Partners

"Each morning I read the headlines in Opalesque, and the front page of the Wall Street Journal - in that order! ”
Greg Troccoli, Managing Director, PlusFunds Group

"I am enjoying your news every time!"
Jun Miyazaki, CEO Gartmore Japan Ltd.

"This daily industry e-mail on Alternative Investments is my first read every morning."
Michael London, Citigroup Global Transaction Services

"Just a quick note to mention that I very much enjoy your product. Despite my subscribing to multiple publications (hard copy and electronic), Opalesque happens to be the most accurate, up-to-date, one-stop source for the industry."
John A. Johnson, Jr., Senior Managing Director, Studley

"I recently subscribed to your publication. It is impressive and informative. Nice job."
Ziad Malek, Senior Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, Malek Partners LLC

"I enjoy starting the day with your commentary."
J Gunter, Polen Capital

"This is one of the best hedge fund newsletters I have seen. It is very unique and user-friendly. The contents are very informative."
Irem Ones, Senior Hedge Fund Analyst, Mansur Capital Corporation, Ontario Group of Funds

"I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy your daily newsletter. Appreciate the time & effort you put in. Thanks again!"
Damian J. Sassower, Marketing & Investments, FAM Global Investments, Inc.

"You do an excellent job with these briefings each day. Congratulations! "
Edmund L. Luzine, Jr., President, Adirondack Capital Management, Inc.

"Your service keeps me well informed about the industry."
Yasmin Malhotra, Ministry of Defence Pension Fund, Muscat

"Alternative Market Briefing has the broadest coverage that the other similar service providers and yet in much interesting (not too much acedemics but commercial-oriented) topics and news that we are looking for."
Seiji Morii, Man Investments

"It gives me a good oversight of general issues within hedge funds, and all aspects of them too. Not just IT/control/investment strategies etc, but ALL stuff. Thats why i like it. And it comes at a great price. And it gives info which isn't replicated in other sites."
Graham Smith, The Omerta Group

"You are thoughtful and timely with a fresh format and some intelligent editing. I think Opalesque is a standout in the world of alternatives."
Lisa Tabala, Strategic Value Partners, LLC

"Opalesque is the most concise and accurate briefing available in the AI world. Any you've got a great a sense of humor!"
Eric Jacobson, Fortis Prime Fund Solutions

"Your publication (and I read MANY) is one of the best ones I receive. I will keep recommending you."
Alexandra du Sold, CPIM

"Quick and timely news which is easy to scan for things I should research in more detail."
Martin Nance, Aladdin Capital Management LLC

"I just wanted to congratulate you on turning your excellent newsletter (one of my favorite reads) into a subscription service."
Philippe Bonnefoy, Comas

"Thanks again for your terrific service. Alternative Market Briefing is the first thing I open up each morning.”
Jim Bergeris, VP-Business Development, Bernard Sands

"Alternative Market Briefing is a terrific news service. I used to spend a lot of time each morning checking different websites and news services to keep abreast of the day's hedge fund industry news.  Alternative Market Briefing now saves me all of that search time, and provides a breadth of
coverage that is difficult to match.”
Christopher Burden, COO, Ferro Capital

"I find the daily Briefing the most useful of the various ones I receive. I have essentially stopped reading the other daily letters and rely solely on your service."
Emmett Harty, Partner, Zebra Capital Management

"Your bulletin is outstanding. I read it every day, to quickly see what's happening globally in our business."
Frank Belvedere CFA, F.C.I.A., VP Alternative Investments, Montrusco Bolton

"This is really good. May I ask you to add my boss to the mailing list?"
James Cooke, Alternative Investment Analyst, Baring Asset Management (London)

 "I get so many emails every day, but your newsletter is the one I enjoy and usually read first. It is definitely the best newsletter in the hedge fund industry.”
Matthew T. Hoffman, CIO, Mayer & Hoffman Capital Advisors

"I won't go a day without reading your excellent newsletter, Matthias. It is the best and most comprehensive summary of Alternatives related news that I see in the market today. Exceptionally well done. Thank you."
Federico G. Cribiore, Vice President Gabelli Asset Management (UK) Limited

"I greatly enjoy your daily letter and find it very useful."
Gary Anderson, Investment Manager, Tulane University

"I just wanted to say that I very much enjoy reading your newsletter daily, it is an excellent and useful summary.”
Paul Booty, Credit Risk Management, Deutsche Bank Group

"Good product - easy to read - concise - clear."
Yves Buchard, Threadneedle Investments

I have been a big fan of your publication for several years."
Mark Northwood, Fidelity

"I want a centralized, one-stop news source on HFs and FOHFs with an archive and a clear and easy-to-use format. Opalesque is that source for me today. No joking, I consider Alternative Market Briefing the best service out there right now: it is the first and (admittedly) often the only daily news I read."
Claude Bovet, Amundsen Capital

"A very fast service with all the up-to-date news. You are first to get the news letter out so there is not need to spend time reading have everything covered."
Ellie Anderson, RA Asset Management Limited

"I have been using your service since I joined Alternative Investment Management Association (AIMA) as research manager, and I find it both very timely and of great use to me."
Tom Kehoe CAIA, Research Manager, The Alternative Investment Management Association Limited (AIMA)

"Consolidates hundreds of daily hedge fund articles into a few news headlines saving time and money."
Trevor Urisoh, Gems Investment Research Ltd.

"Your product has been getting great feedback. I have been running into a lot of folks who ask me what I am seeing. For those who don't subscribe to Opalesque, I mention to tune into your stuff. For those that do, the reviews are excellent."
Evolution Capital, Investor Relations

"Keep up the wonderful work you do."
Stanley Marchon, Amplitude Capital

"I like your daily update - concise and to the point."
Aron Miodownik, Managing Partner, Cambrian Associates

"I wanted to tell you that the level of your service is very professional, in fact unsurpassable. Many thanks and please carry on...!"
Alexandru Popescu

"We read it every day to stay current. This is our first source for news."
Robert Krause,

"I find Alternative Market Briefing wonderful, a really useful service.”
Thomas Kelly, HSBC

"I have to quickly tell you how much I enjoy receiving and reading Alternative Market Briefing. It provides me with both current and relevant information from the global alternative market space. Thank you for this publication! You are doing a great job.”
Rudolph J. Bayer, Managing Director, Meyerhoff Investment Holdings, LLC

"This newsletter is well-written and informative. Hope you don't mind but as I am head of sales in the US I shared it with my team and they found it impressive."
(name must not be disclosed)

"Several weeks ago I started getting your newsletter, and have thoroughly enjoyed it.  As a hedge fund manager I cannot read everything, and find your summary presentation quickly lets me get to the heart of the matter.  Thanks for sending it.”
W. Rafter

"I appreciate your daily newsletter. Many thanks!”
Brian M. Bader, Senior Vice President, Head of Product Development Third Party Distribution, U.S. Trust Company

"I am quite new to the industry. Alternative Market Briefing provides me ideas, updates and names... it is a very efficient source of info for me to start.”
Quing Xiao, Cosmos International

"A continuing thank you for your newsletter, and please add the following email address….”
Michelle Snow, Xerion Partners

"Alternative Market Briefing is an absolute added value for our industry and interested investors. We continuously recommend the subscription of your newsletter to the participants of our course of studies "hedge funds intensive” and get a very positive feedback from our participants on your newsletter as well.”
Rolf Dreiseidler, German Association for Alternative Investments

"Congratulations...1 year anniversary. Very useful/helpful sight!  Good luck and keep up the great work."
Leon Glazer, Credit Risk Management, Deutsche Bank

"Your newsletter is excellent and insightful. On the cutting edge of the Alternative Investment community.”
Adam Connors, Financial Staffing Director, Core Staffing, Inc.

"Great service to keep up to date with hedge fund market news.”
Alexandra Napier, Merrill Lynch

"I feel that any professional that is interested in the latest news about the hedge fund community should subscribe to Alternative Market Briefing.”
Greg Tillery, Newton & Associates

"Thank you very much for sending the newsletter to me, in which I am always finding something of interest.”
Martin P Tolcher Director, Business Development Butterfield Fund Managers (Guernsey) Limited

"Congratulations for the excellent newsletter.”
Christophe Künzler, Unigestion

"I find your Briefing to provide a nice snapshot of the industry from a global perspective. We do business in the US and Switzerland and its nice to go to one place for information. You are doing a great job!”
Rudolph J. Bayer, Managing Director, Meyerhoff Investment Holdings, LLC (second testimonial)

"Thank you so much! I love your newsletter!”
Tzvetanka Stoyanova, The Longchamp Group

"This newsletter is fantastic”
Anric Blatt, CEO, Infiniti Capital AG

"Dear Matthias, your newsletter is excellent - thank you.  Would you mind please including our chairman on your distribution list as well?”
Lucy O'Flaherty, Marketing Manager, CQS Management

"…and in the mean time keep up the good work. You are doing an excellent work and it is worth commending. Well done.”
Amit S. Bedi, Alternative Investments, Executive Wealth Management

"I am most impressed by the quality of the service that you have developed over the past 2 or so years. It is a major productivity-enhancement for myself and many colleagues as it is so comprehensive and therefore minimises the amount of time that we need spend scanning journals and newspapers to keep ourselves up to date on critical current issues in the Hedge Fund world. Please, please keep it at this standard!! I well understand the work that this implies for you as you travel around the world attending and reporting on the conferences that we are keen to avoid!”
Gustaf Bradshaw, Atlas Capital Limited

"This newsletter is very good, thank you!"
Joseph Miro

"An excellent electronic publication”
Shaun Curry, Gottex Funds

"Alternative Market Briefing is an excellent service providing current news headlines for the Global Hedge Fund industry."
Colin Taylor, UBS

Hello! Just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate these Alternative Market Briefings.....thank you!!!!!!

"Thank you so much for your great newsletter which I read every day.”
David Loris, Mellon Global Investments

"Keep it up, Opalesque! You are doing a great job and I really have learned a lot and found many useful news trough your brief summaries."
Mark Vanthuyne, Gottex

"Thank you, excellent informative service!"
Steven Krasnor, Arrow Smith Financial Group

"Your newsletter is excellent, good luck with it! Please send also to the following seven addresses:”
Anne Marie Gagnon, President, Alphastrategic LLC

"I greatly enjoy receiving your newsletter.”
George Yepes, Gottex Funds

"I am impressed by your hedge fund newsletter”
Scott Hall FinX Technologies

"I love this newsletter, thank you so much! Thanks so much, and please keep up the great work!”
Pamela Kurucz, SFS Entry

"Thanks for sending your excellent Newsletter every day”
Jane Brooks, Director, iVenture Investment Management Limited

"I have been receiving Alternative Market Briefing since we met at the Amsterdam Hedge Funds Conference 2 weeks ago. This is just to say that I am finding it really useful for market learning and knowledge - Keep up the good work!”
Keith Milligan, Manager, IQPC

"Your newsletter is terrific. Please add me to the daily distribution.”
Martin Goldberg, Vice President, York Capital Management

"I find Alternative Market Briefing extremely informative. Keep up the nice work.”
Rhonda B. Rosen

"As you can see, we read your news bits. I receive lots of news wires and rate yours at the top of my pile. Good job.”
Boris Tiomkin, Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer, Alternative Investment Solutions LLC

"I thoroughly enjoy the Briefings, they are just they type of information I like - brief, easy to read and relevant. Many thanks for a great service.”
Kevin Gundle, Aurum Funds

"Opalesque is one of the industry leading daily hedge fund news summary."
Philip A. Anker, Managing Director, Proprietary Hedge Funds, The Blackstone Group

"Continue to really like your daily updates. Best thing I've seen on the hedge fund industry."
Chuck Carlson, Horizon Investment Services, LLC

"Opalesque is the only Hedge Fund daily news service I subscribe to and am very happy with the service."
Kevin Heller, Focus Group

"Thank you for your excellent service. I enjoy your emails very much."
Roy Niederhoffer, R. G. Niederhoffer Capital Management

"Very useful. My world is real estate direct investment and there is some overlap with your news."
Andrew Oksner, New China Land

"You do an excellent job."
George Hambrecht, Barlow Partners

"Very up to date focused hedge fund news on a daily basis. Easy to use. Value for money.
Chizuko Nara, Arcacia Ltd.

"Opalesque is my favorite news service for getting pure news on our industry."
Todd Whitenack, BBR Partners

"Accurate and fast on delivering news on the hedge fund industry.”
Cedrik van Rijckevorsel, IDS Capital

"You are thoughtful and timely with a fresh format and some intelligent editing. I think Opalesque is a standout in the world of alternatives."
Lisa Tabala, Strategic Value Partners, LLC

"A good time saving device since all the industry news from major press sources is compiled in one place. ”
David Claypoole, Parks Legal Placement

"Keeps me up to date on news events within the hedge fund industry. Provides a source of relevant information when dealing with clients."
Wayne Hu, Citigroup Prime Brokerage

"An outstanding resource for up-to-date information on "What's New" in the hedge fund world. ”
David Lewinson, Correctnet

"We remain big fans and supporters of Opalesque."
Gary Claar, General Partner, JANA Partners LLC

"Opalesque actually provides suffient information to comply with my needs."
Ian Hamilton, Global Fund Services (South Africa)

"Eclectic and concise."
Anthony Parker, Beagle Partners LLP

"My favourite news service on hedge funds. Alternative Market Briefing is a complete and easy access to hedge fund dedicated press review."
Bruno Lebre, Societe Generale Investment Banking of the most complete source of information on hedge fund industry items ”
Georg Stucki, Olympia Capital Management

I greatly enjoy your newsletter and find it a very efficient way of keeping up to speed with news. I am always impressed with the variety of news sources you have access to.”
Simon O'Sullivan, Product Specialist, Pioneer Alternative Investment Management Limited

Looking forward to continuing to receive your informative and valuable service.”
Jeff Landle, CFA, Chief Investment Officer, Hardt Group

You are successful - there are so many newsletters available now that I am surprised.....though of course they don't match up to yours!”
Joanna Thompson de Colonges, Director Institutional, GAM London Limited

"Congratulations on producing the excellent newsletter that I have enjoyed for the past year!"
Ed Moisson,Associate Director,Fitzrovia International

I very much enjoy reading your newsletter, it is superb. You never cease to amaze me with the breadth of the stories you collect. I remain very impressed... Mathias, as you know, I think the service is exceptional. my only complaint would be that there are not enough hours in the day..."
Ben Cotton, Director Financial Institutions, Societé Generale

An Incredibly useful and very informative daily service.”
Michael Stratford, MVP Asset Management

"This service is an excellent first read as we begin our business day."
David E. Lees myCIO Wealth Partners

Your content is terrific. I look forward to reading your edition each morning at this time.”

Michael Meyers, Managing Partner, Trivium Capital Management

I have really enjoyed and regularly read your newsletter.  You do a great job and often pick up things many of the others miss. ”
Simon P. White, Chief Operating Officer, GLG Partners LP

Matthias, your letter here is really terrific. I know I sound like a cheerleader, but it is great. Was with some guys from Commerzbank last night and they all agreed too."
Keith M. Rosenbloom, Managing Partner, CARE Advisors LLC

"Your daily market briefing is by far the best and the only one I really take time to read."
Wolfgang Landl, Senior Manager, Man Investments Ltd.

"I have been reading your service for about 3 months now- I think it is excellent. It's organized, efficient, very up to date and interesting."
Carol Peterson, Rothschild London

"I am an excited reader of your daily newsletter, it is very well done, thank you for the great work!"
Dr. Mark Schindler, Clariden Leu

"I appreciate you covering so many information sources. I read to take the pulse of the industry (i.e. regulation etc..) and also for leads."
Aaron Smith, BackTrack Reports

"Alternative Market Briefing gives me a daily heads-up on important hedge fund issues. Time compression is the real advantage here."
Tony Jones, General Partner, Veritas Alpha

"I really like the newsletter. Very complete."
Benjamin Alimanski, Olympia Capital Management

"Quick- easy to digest information. Knowing I can scan in 5 minutes and have a clue what's going on..."
Jennifer Patchen

"Essential for my research and staying on top of the latest hedge fund news."
Michelle Noyes, Terrapinn

"Very up to date focused hedge fund news on a daily basis. Easy to use. Value for money."
Chizuko Nara, Arcacia Ltd.

"A new exciting service to quickly scan the industry's breaking news and trends on a easy to use daily basis."
John Wolfe, Wolfehaus LLC

"Congratulations for the publication, I consider the Alternative Market Briefing a very useful source to keep updated on the hedge fund industry trends and news."
Alfonso Duval, Head of Institutional Clients, Moneda Asset Management S.A.

"What you provide is what I seek. Very nice job."
Kevin Marder, Marder Investment Advisors Corp.

"As always, I will continue to be a loyal reader of Opalesque."
Daken J. Vanderburg, CFA, Portfolio Manager, Chartwell Investment Partners

"I like your newsletter very much. Regards, Marc."
Marc Clapasson, Managing Director, Product & Business Relationships, Millennium Global (Suisse) SA

"I love Opalesque."
Mike Kostolansky, Acuity Cap

"I think I've told you before, yours is by far the best hedge fund news service."
Peter Feistmann

"Your news service is outstanding."
Bill Poutsiaka, Pan Agora Asset Management

"Your newsletter is great! Keep up the excellent work."
Thomas L. Fraser, Esq.

"Alternative Market Briefing is excellent."
Barbara Justiz, Barbara Justiz Advisors Incorporated

"Your publication is great!"
Sandra Kim,

"You guys are great, and you do a great job."
John Plum, Managing Partner, Emery, Kim Global Advisors, LLC

"I enjoy reading your publications."
Chun Lai, Managing Director, Investments Office, The Rockefeller Foundation

"Once again, thank you for an informative and thorough news report."
Stacey Strade, CFA

"The crispest, most candid, and timely information service."
David Rothberg, Niagara Capital

"Current and informative!"
Noel Reilly, PwC

"Helps to keep track on specific fund news and trends in the hedge fund industry."
Mikael Berglund, Barclays Capital

"I find your letter to be very informative and timely, a must in this industry."
Jorge de Cardenas, Kaufman, Rossin & Co.

"Just a short note of appreciation for your outstanding editorial work. The Briefing is a remarkably affective tool in helping to keep abreast of industry developments."
Andrew Hubert Willmann, AURUM CAPITAL PARTNERS, S.A.

"I enjoy reading the titles and the subjects, it is brief and very well informed!"
Marlen Engeler, Credit Suisse

"You do an excellent job with these briefings each day. Congratulations!"
Edmund L. Luzine, Jr., Adirondack Capital Management

"I am delighted with your service and consider it a true bargain in the hedge fund media space. I am a huge fan!"
Lauren Damask, Lupus Alpha

"Opalesque is the most comprehensive hedge fund news service I have encountered. I have been impressed with every aspect of the service."
Joseph Omansky, SkyFund LLC

"Alternative Market Briefing is an excellent service that enables you quicly to see what's is going on the hedge fund world"
Christiane Lund; Caledon Partners

"Your work is a real contribution to the industry."
Somer Hatano, Morgan Stanley

"Your service is timely, thoughtful and accurate. It is probably the best in the industry."
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I used to be responsible for alternative investments at Cargill where I became aware of your newsletter. Our paths once crossed at one of the Pension Congress' in Boston. Since being at the CBOT, your newsletter allows me to remain current with a very important and growing customer segment for our exchange. Thanks for providing this valuable service."
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Reader Testimonials

This is one of the few emails I get and read at home. Given that most emails I get, I don't even read (at home, or the office) this is a high hurdle you have achieved. Kudos. Keep up the good work."

John Brynjolfsson, Co-Founder and CIO, Armored Wolf LLC

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