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Featured Resource: ISRA Research Papers

Monday, October 04, 2010

As Featured in the Islamic Finance Resources Blog

The International Shari'ah Research Academy for Islamic Finance (better known as ISRA) was established to promote applied research for the Islamic finance industry.  Their initiatives range from translation projects to scholarship programs and their academic output have proven prolific, here we include a list of their research papers (all of which are available from the ISRA website):

Banking for the Poor: The Role of Islamic Banking in Microfinance Initiatives

Is the Ban on "Organised Tawarruq" The Tip of The Iceberg?

Insurable Interest in Takaful Pracitices: An Analysis

The Concept of Promise and Bilateral Promise in Financial Contracts: A Fiqhi Perspective

Challenges of Realizing Maqasid Al-Shari'ah (Objectives of Shari'ah) in the Islamic Capital Market: Special Focus on Equity-Based Sukuk Structures

The New Central Bank Act 2009 (Act 701): Enhancing the Integrity and Role of the Shari'ah Advisory Council (SAC) in Islamic Finance

Derivatives in Islamic Finance

Critical Appraisal of Shari'ah Issues on Ownership in Asset-based Sukuk as Implemented in The Islamic Debt Market

Islamic Banks and Wealth Creation

Can Bursa Malaysia's Suq al-Sila' (Commodity Murabahah House) Resolve the Controversy over Tawarruq?

Reshaping the Islamic Finance Industry Applying the Lessons Learnt from the Global Financial Crisis

The Issue of sequence and Pre-Signingin Contract Execution: A Comparison of Shari'ah Rules and Current Practice

Tools For Controlling Monetary Variables in the Islamic Banking System

The Concept and Operations of Swap as a Hedging Mechanism for Islamic Financial Institutions

An Islamic Pricing Benchmark

An Analysis of the Role and Competency of the Shari'ah Committees (SCs) of Islamic Banks and Financial Service Providers

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