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About / Overview

Opalesque has been publishing Technical Research (chart analysis) since April 2006. Opalesque Technical Research offers technical chart analysis with a global perspective on all major markets, including Equity Indices, Fixed Income, Currencies, and Commodities.

Opalesque Technical Research is unique compared to most available research which is fundamental in nature, and not technically (chart) oriented. In addition, most current available research is mainly equity based, and not global in nature.

WE ARE PROUD TO ANNOUNCE that our staff has earned the title "2020 GOLD TIMER OF THE YEAR" by the widely-read and respected TIMER DIGEST publication (Issue 702). We managed to outpace the global competition by nearly 20% for the year in 2020. Our subscribers benefit from our weekly read on both the GOLD and SILVER markets along with the rest of the major global asset classes.

Subscribers benefit from three Research Publications:

At the moment, a subscription to Opalesque Technical Research includes the following three publications:
  • Opalesque Technical Research Briefing
    We provide an overview of the world's most prolifically traded markets (Technical Research Briefing- has a slant toward high volume markets in the United States). Covering the following markets:
    • S&P 500 INDEX
    • GOLD
    • U.S. Ten Year Note
    • AUSSIE $ vs. U.S. Dollar
    • NIKKEI - (Cash)
    • CME- EURO vs. U.S. DOLLAR (CASH)
  • Quarterly Global Outlook
    Each quarter we provide a long term outlook utilizing monthly charts (Quarterly Outlook). This document is meant to provide a historical, as well as a forward thinking forecast within one easy read.

In one subscription you will get three different Technical Research updates, covering what are for many finance professionals the sixteen most important global markets.

Edited by the Technical Research Staff

The Technical Research publications are produced and edited by the technical research team. Our technical work on the global financial markets has been disseminated into multiple languages and provided to institutional research clientele worldwide for just under a decade. We have provided strategic consulting and aided in the management decisions for institutional portfolios for leading global financial firms. Our team members' written work has been featured on all forms of financial media. Additionally, over the years, we have been guest technical analysis experts on Fox Business News and several nationally-syndicated financial radio shows in the U.S.

Our team's educational credentials include undergraduate and graduate degrees in Management, Securities Analysis & Portfolio Management and Accounting / Taxation. We also boast having a key member who has earned the Chartered Market Technician (CMT) designation.

Who should read Opalesque Technical Research

Opalesque Technical Research is a must-read for everyone who needs a brief and efficient update on global financial markets. Understanding the events and dynamics of the global markets has become essential because of the increased correlations. This is appreciated by traders: "I like the technical letter very much. I am interested to learn about market trends that I can use in option trading." (Jerold Lancourt) as well as other financial professionals: "Although I am not a trader, your Technical Research is an excellent way to keep up with the broader markets." (Chris Gosselin, C.E.O., Australian Fund Monitors Pty Ltd.).

Save up to $200 when combining the Technical Research Briefing with other Premium Opalesque subscriptions

Subscriptions are available starting at $169 (see here for subscription rates). New users can save up to $200 when combining the Technical Research Briefing with other Premium Opalesque subscriptions.

Free Trials Available

Free trials (for new users only) can be set up here:

If you already received a trial subscription to TRB and want to continue receiving this publication, please subscribe here. (If you already have an Opalesque userID, please logon first. Passwords can be reset here).

Reader Testimonials

"By the way, your call in March saved us and our clients from getting out of the market in March. WELL WORTH THE PRICE OF THE SUBSCRIPTION, since our accounts are up over 30 percent for the year..."

(name withheld - large U.S. pension consultant by email to Opalesque June, 22 2009)


"I always find the Technical Research Briefing of un-estimateable value. The S&P and FTSE100 have behaved in text book fashion and could both be used in any future technical analysis lessons."

Bill Grandy, Thomas Lloyd

"I receive technical research bulletin, which, although I am not a trader, I find to be an excellent way to keep up with the broader markets."

Chris Gosselin, C.E.O.,
Australian Fund Monitors Pty Ltd

"I like the technical letter very much. I am interested to learn about market trends that I can use in option trading."

Jerold Lancourt

"Let me just tell you that I fully enjoy your report. I have been on the technical side for almost 30 years and could appreciate your comments. Keep on doing the good work!"

Dr. Boaz Barack, Member of Senior Management,
Credit Suisse Private Banking.

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