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About Opalesque Director

Matthias Knab

Image Matthias Knab

Matthias Knab

Managing Director & Managing Editor

Opalesque is led by Matthias Knab, an internationally recognized expert on hedge funds and alternatives. Mr. Knab has frequently served as chairman of hedge fund conferences in New York, Greenwich, Tokyo, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Miami, Bahamas, Stockholm, Dubai etc. In addition, he has presented or moderated at hedge fund events in London, Geneva, Zurich, Singapore, Sydney, Cape Town, Madrid, Moscow, Sao Paolo, San Francisco, Toronto, Cayman Islands, Auckland and Bombay, and lectured at numerous universities on the subjects of hedge funds and the state of the global alternative asset management industry.

He studied computer science and psychology in Freiburg i.Br. (Germany), graduated in economy in Munich and subsequently passed exams as a FSA (Financial Services Authority, UK) Securities Representative, FSA Futures and Options Representative and XETRA trader (Frankfurt). Mr. Knab is a member of the German Association of Technical Analysts (VTAD).

Since 1989 he has been working as a consultant for major German institutions, most notably Allianz and Vereinte Versicherungen. 1998 he created and served as CEO Boersenakademie AG - the first German institution directed at offering educational services on investing themes. Matthias Knab also served as Managing Director at TradeStream Global AG, a technology firm developing trading solutions for institutions and hedge funds.

In 2000 Matthias Knab started to publish a pioneering newsletter "Industry Report" which was focusing on the ascent of Electronic Trading within the online brokerage industry. It was at that time when he started to establish his first links into the hedge fund industry and became aware about the need of a daily, independent and encompassing news service on this thriving sector.

Mr. Knab speaks English, German, Spanish, French, some Italian and and is currently learning Mandarin (Chinese).