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Opalesque A SQUARE = Alternative Alternatives is the first web publication, globally, that is dedicated exclusively to “alternative” investments. A SQUARE's weekly selection feature unique investment opportunities that bear virtually no correlation to the main stream hedge fund strategies and/or distinguish themselves by virtue of their “alternative” motive - social, behavioural, natural resources, sustainable /environment related investing

Included in this subscription: free access to the new A SQUARE Database! With over Alternative Funds in categories, the new A SQUARE database is the only fund database dedicated exclusively to "alternative alternatives" investments with fast facts and investment oriented analysis.

ATF Click here to start receiving this Opalesque subscription right now.

With its “research that reveals” approach, fast facts and investment oriented analysis, A SQUARE offers diversification and complementary ideas for: private, high net-worth and institutional investors, pension funds and endowments, portfolio and hedge funds managers.

The “A SQUARE alternative” universe:

Traditional Alternatives:

  1. Real estate
  2. Commodities - gold, silver, copper etc.
  3. Currencies
  4. Collectibles - art, wine, vintage cars, coins, postage stamps etc.
  5. All forms of credit based lending/factoring

Modern Alternatives:

  1. New asset classes:
    • Investible Indices
    • ETFs
    • Structured finance - SPV, certificates, notes, synthetics
    • Hybrid products
  2. Environment and infrastructure led investing: carbon emissions; waste re-cycling; water, air, forest, energy; new tech; clean tech and beyond
  3. Psychology based investing: behavioural finance; “vice” investing
  4. Entertainment financing – movies, music and more.

Opalesque A SQUARE is researched, authored and edited by Florian Guldner and Kirsten Bischoff. Florian graduated in economics from Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich, focusing on financial markets theory and game theory. Kirsten has worked in the financial industry for five years as part of the investor relations team at a fixed income hedge fund, and more recently in the account management group at BlackRock.

Subscriber Benefits

Opalesque is the trusted name for high-end media products focusing on hedge funds and alternatives. Our popular Alternative Market Briefing Newsletter is the industry’s banner publication and has been published each day (Monday through Friday) since February 16th 2003.

A SQUARE, focusing on Alternative Alternatives, was launched January 16th 2007. These are the many advantages of an A SQUARE subscription:

  1. Get A SQUARE research reports delivered directly into your in-box each week
  2. Free access to A SQUARE's research report archive during the entire subscription period
  3. Free use of our online forum to follow up on A SQUARE portraits
  4. Access to the new A SQUARE Database: With over Alternative Funds in categories, the new A SQUARE database is the only fund database dedicated exclusively to "alternative alternatives" investments with fast facts and investment oriented analysis.

Click here to read user testimonials on A SQUARE.

You can set up your A SQUARE subscription here and profit immediately from these subscriber benefits.

ATF Click here to start receiving this Opalesque subscription right now.

Reader Testimonials

“Many congratulations to your new publication and your acknowledgement that, to capture truly diversified returns, investors increasingly need to look for alternative sources of risk. As daily readers of your Alternative Market Briefing, we appreciate this new publication as an added value.”

Wouter B. ten Brinke, CFA,
Theta Capital Management B.V.

"I think this is a truly wonderful idea and a fantastic product! I hope to find many investable ideas generated from this new publication!"

Neal Berger, Director,
Eagle's View Fund, Ltd.

"A very professionally construed manager introduction piece."

Thomas Lott, President, Potomac Portfolios

"I enjoyed reading the first two A SQUARE Reports, and already have incorporated some of the strategies you described into the hedge fund courses I am teaching this semester. Those investors seeking the newest strategies may find A SQUARE a convenient source for staying ahead of the curve."

Leon M. Metzger,
Adjunct Professor, Hedge Funds, Columbia University and New York University

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