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To the Recommended Reading archive

Hedge funds get Greenspan warning on leverage
Reuters reports the hedge fund industry, which often relies on borrowed money, received a pointed warning from Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan on Thursday to play responsibly to help protect market liquidity.

For months, market analysts, economists and others have been concerned that a disaster might be brewing in the $1 trillion hedge fund industry as managers borrowed money when it was cheap and now are being squeezed as interest rates rise.

Greenspan said highly leveraged hedge funds could pose risks to market liquidity and he urged banks to guard against providing hedge funds with easy credit, in a speech delivered via satellite to a conference hosted by the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. Full article: {literal}Source{/literal}

S&P hedge fund index down 0.85% in April
Standard & Poor’s reported yesterday seven out of nine hedge fund strategies, as measured by the S&P Hedge Fund Index (S&P HFI), were down in April as the S&P HFI lost 0.85% during the month. The largest losses occurred in the S&P Directional/Tactical and S&P Arbitrage Indices as many of the factors that contributed to economic bullishness such as low inflation, surging corporate profitability and accommodative economic policy are now predicted to weaken from previous levels.

The S&P Directional/Tactical Index declined by 1.48% in April as all three of its broad underlying strategies, Macro, Managed Futures and Equity Long/Short, experienced varying levels of negative returns.
The S&P Managed Futures Index declined by 6.51% for the month as the majority of the assets in this strategy are managed by medium to long trend-followers who were adversely affected by several trend reversals. Gains in financial futures, especially those in Europe, were offset by losses in currency, energy and metals positions.
The S&P Arbitrage Index lost 0.61% in April led by poor performance in Convertible Arbitrage. Many managers in this strategy noted that this was the most difficult month in several years, but see opportunities for value-based investors as some bond names trade below fair value.
The S&P Event-Driven Index lost 0.49% for the month as its three underlying strategies declined in April. All subindices: {literal}Source{/literal}

SunGard Kiodex whitepaper on use of cash flow at risk reports
At risk methodologies have been employed by investment banks and hedge funds for several decades to project worst-case trading losses in order to set risk limits on traders. Corporate hedgers use similar methodologies to make informed hedging decisions.

This whitepaper will demonstrate the use of cash flow at risk methodology to formulate intelligent hedging decisions. It will also provide an illustration of a hedging process, using an airline as an example. The paper will conclude with the evaluation of the hedge post facto, to provide a framework for both devising a hedging program and measuring its result.

Download the whitepaper here: {literal}Source{/literal}

Soros and Oak Hill finance hedge fund services firm
From Reuters UK: Soros Fund Management and Oak Hill Platinum Partners on Thursday said they gave a former Goldman Sachs executive capital to set up a new firm that will offer administrative services to hedge funds.

OpHedge Investment Services LLC, founded by Tom Chang, will provide operations and administrative services to the fast growing $1 trillion hedge fund industry, the companies said in a joint statement. Full article: {literal}Source{/literal}

Dow Jones Hedge Fund Strategy Benchmarks down in April
(Press release) April 2005 was a down month for the six hedge fund benchmarks covered by Dow Jones Hedge Fund Indexes. The convertible arbitrage, equity long/short (U.S.), event driven, merger arbitrage, equity market neutral and distressed securities strategies lost -3.73%, -1.90%, -1.01%, -0.92%, -0.47%, and -0.31, respectively.

On a year-to-date basis, the merger arbitrage and distressed securities strategies showed gains of 0.36% and 0.20%, respectively. The 2005 environment has been particularly difficult for convertible arbitrage and equity long/short (U.S.) strategies which are down -6.89% and -3.49% for the year. The event driven and equity market neutral strategies were down -0.23% and -0.21% in 2005.

Other asset classes as represented by the domestic equity and fixed income markets did not fair any better in April. On a float-adjusted basis, the Dow Jones Wilshire 5000 posted -2.21% for the month of April (-2.26% on a full-cap basis) extending the losses of the broad equity markets to -4.38% for 2005 (-4.59% on a full-cap basis). The Dow Jones Corporate Bond Index was up 1.10% for the month, reducing the YTD losses to -0.19%. While the world equity markets as measured by the Dow Jones World Total Market Index lost -2.35% in April increasing their cumulative losses to -3.21% for the year. No online Source

Hedge fund chief complains of short-selling
The Financial Times reports a founding partner of a London-based hedge fund that has seen its assets shrink by at least a quarter has blamed speculators and short-sellers for his company's difficulties.

Jonathan Bailey, a founding partner of Bailey Coates asset management, a long-short equity fund, yesterday said other hedge funds and the proprietary trading desks of investment banks had attacked his company's portfolio on rumours of redemptions from the fund.

"There has been speculative short-selling against our positions - that is a fact," Mr Bailey told the Financial Times. "Our European performance has been adequate and our US performance has been weak. But if we hadn't had a sustained campaign of short-selling by prop desks, market makers and other hedge funds against our perceived portfolio, I don't think we would have been down more than a few per cent," he added. Full story: {literal}Source{/literal}

(Press release) Mayer & Hoffman Capital Advisors, LLC launched the Corporate Financing Fund, LP, a fund of hedge funds, on April 1, 2005. The Fund is a concentrated portfolio of hedge funds that lend capital or provide equity financing to smaller public companies.

Matthew Hoffman, CIO, explained the rationale behind investing in these vehicles. “Hedge funds have seized the opportunity in financing smaller corporate entities. Investment banks are cutting back on providing small bond and convertible bond issues while commercial banks don’t want to bother with small company loans.” “As a result,” says Hoffman, “hedge funds have filled the void left by other financial institutions.”

The Mayer & Hoffman Corporate Financing Fund invests in hedge funds that use four types of financings. These are: loans, often on a collateralized basis; private debt, often on terms similar to public bond deals; convertible debt; and, equity structures that may include common and preferred stock and warrants.

Mayer & Hoffman has launched two other funds of hedge funds since inception in January, 2004: the High Alpha Fund and the Low Beta Fund. All the portfolios contain newer managers and specialized funds that are the primary focus of the firm. No online Source

The Van International Investable Index reported a loss of -1.07% for the month of March according to hedge fund consultant Van Hedge Fund Advisors International, LLC, a leading hedge fund consultant. No online Source

The Barclay Group reported today that money under management in managed futures fell from $131.9 billion to $127 billion during the past three months.

“Since year-end 2004, assets under management have declined by $4.9 billion, or 3.7 percent,” says Sol Waksman, president of The Barclay Group. “This decline tracks the 3.11 percent loss in managed futures measured by the Barklay CTA Index during the same period.”

Barclay’s figures show that this is the first quarterly drop in money under management in three years. Since March of 2002, managed futures assets tripled from $40.3 billion to over $130 billion. No online Source

From IPE.com: Canada and continental Europe are the areas that will see the most investment manager search activity in the period ahead, according to Mercer Investment Consulting.

Mercer IC conducted 90 US equity investment manager searches last year, accounting for $6bn of assets placed, making it Mercer IC’s most popular product category, according to its newly released Manager Search Trends Report 2004.

The report details search activity globally and by region, with a breakdown for the US, Canada, the UK, Europe ex-UK, Asia, Australia and New Zealand. Full article: {literal}Source{/literal}

India will introduce Chinese-style special economic zones and scrap the ceiling on voting rights in private sector banks in an attempt to attract foreign direct investment and liberalize its financial services sector.

The SEZ bill, which will go before parliament, is intended to extend to India's export-oriented manufacturing companies the fiscal and labor advantages that have been enjoyed by the country's world-class information technology sector.

Businesses setting up in SEZs will be entitled to a 15-year tapered tax exemption and, subject to decisions taken at state level, also be allowed to circumvent India's complex and restrictive labor laws. These prohibit companies with more than 100 employees from sacking workers without state permission and from employing contract staff for more than three months without offering them permanent positions.

Many foreign companies view the laws as a deterrent to setting up or expanding operations in India, which receives only about a tenth of the foreign direct investment that reaches China. The move was signalled in a banking reform programme laid out in February by the Reserve Bank of India that will eventually allow acquisition of Indian banks by foreign investors. Full story: {literal}Source{/literal}

The currency swap agreements in east Asia providing mutual protection from financial emergencies could develop into an Asian monetary fund, a leading Japanese proponent of regional financial integration said yesterday.

Agreed after the 1997-98 financial crisis, and known as the Chiang Mai Initiative, the $39bn (€30bn, £20.4bn) in bilateral support arrangements between Japan, China, South Korea and 10 south-east Asian countries are expected to double in value and may be transformed into a multilateral system, Asian finance ministers said on Wednesday.

The suggestion of an Asian monetary fund is controversial because it was proposed by Japan and others after the Asian crisis but rejected by the US and the International Monetary Fund. Critics argued that a regional fund would duplicate the IMF's work and might be unwilling to impose harsh financial conditions on Asian governments.

East Asian governments have already begun loosening their adherence to IMF “conditionality”. The finance ministers agreed this week to double the proportion of emergency funds that could be disbursed without the beneficiary implementing an IMF programme to 20 per cent from 10 per cent. Full story: {literal}Source{/literal}

From Financeasia.com: Ronnie Wu, co-founder of $800 million leading Hong Kong-based fund of hedge fund firm Vision Investment Management, has left to launch his own fund-of-hedge-funds firm, Penjing Asset Management.

Wu says Penjing launched with $50 million to $100 million under management. Currently most of the money comes from Wu's wealthy Hong Kong family, the owners of local Wing Lung Bank. However, other family offices and personal relations have also invested. Read on: {literal}Source{/literal}

Malaysian Pension Fund may Invest $1.5 bln abroad
Malaysia's pension fund, trying to find higher-yielding assets to boost returns, may invest as much as $1.5 billion in overseas stock and bond markets, after the central bank eased foreign-exchange controls, its chief executive said. (Bloomberg)

CME to launch futures on 3 ETFs (JP33)
The Chicago Mercantile Exchange said on Thursday it will launch futures contracts on three U.S. ETFs in June. The contracts on NASDAQ-100 index tracking stock, S&P 500 depository receipts and iShares Russell 2000 will trade on the exchange's Globex electronic platform. The S&P 500 and NASDAQ-100 contracts will trade exclusively at CME. (chicagobusiness.com)

Cambridge Associates loses hedge fund chief
Brendan McCarthy has resigned as director of hedge fund research at Cambridge Associates to launch Nyes Ledge Capital, a Boston-based hedge fund-of-funds firm. Kevin Pirani has also left Cambridge's research department to join McCarthy. (Institutional Investor)

Manulife shareholders applaud: Profit hit by $40M
Shareholders don't often applaud a CEO for a $40-million hit to earnings, but Manulife Financial Corp.'s Dominic D'Alessandro got an ovation Thursday for his handling of the Portus hedge-fund scandal. No online Source

The Third Annual US Private Equity & Venture Capital Summit
May 16-18, 2005 • The Roosevelt Hotel • New York City


  • Where Has The Private Equity Asset Class Succeeded & Future Expectations
  • Identifying The Structure Of Funds And How The Private Equity Market Will Look In The Future
  • LP Special Interest Debates
  • Challenge Of Fundraising In Today's Market - Strategies For Differentiating Yourself As A Mainstream Player
  • Sourcing & Investing In New Talent / Emerging Managers
  • Future Of Opportunities In Middle Market Investments
  • Current Trends In Pricing and Valuations In Secondary Deals And Transactions
  • Global Survey of allocations With Special Emphasis On China And Other Key Emerging Markets
For more information, visit www.superreturn.com or call (+1) 888.670.8200

Upgrade to state-of-the-art tools for hedge fund investment with expert practitioner and internationally acclaimed author François-Serge Lhabitant – limited enrolment course

Attend this exclusive seminar and gain insight into the latest tools for implementing hedge fund programmes, controlling hedge fund risk, and measuring and reporting performance.

Topics covered in the course include:

  • New sources of value for Fund of Hedge Funds (FoHF) and Hedge Funds (HF) programmes
  • Reconciling alpha picking and style timing with a low-liquidity environment
  • Advanced techniques for the optimal design of FoHF and HF programmes
  • Using Value at Risk to measure risk and manage hedge fund portfolios
  • Building a representative benchmark
  • Applying state of the art tools for HF performance and risk attribution
Presented in a practical and highly accessible manner, this course will help you to incorporate the latest results of alternative investment research into your management processes and keep abreast of the best industry practices.

François-Serge Lhabitant is head of investment research at Kedge Capital (London) and professor of finance at EDHEC Business School and the University of Lausanne. He is the author of the best-selling Hedge Funds: Myths and Limits and the recent Hedge Funds: Quantitative Insights.

For further information and registration, email: AIeducation@edhec.edu or call Mélanie Ruiz on +33 493.187.819.
Link to download brochure

Following the great success of the inaugural 2004 Global Hedge Fund Investment Summit, this event is establishing itself as the premier forum examining innovative alternative investment strategies, practices and trends in the North American market.

"An event that will benefit many plan sponsors" Tricia Scrivner, Manager of Alternatives, MISSOURI STATE EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM

The program for 2005 places a particular emphasis on the needs, demands and experiences of institutional and other investors. It features a unique combination of high-level strategic keynote addresses, cutting-edge presentations from some of the leading figures in the alternative asset management community and interactive panel discussions that promise contrasting perspectives and rigorous debate on issues of interest to investors and fund managers worldwide.

Keynote speakers:

  • Tanya Styblo Beder, Chief Executive Officer, TRIBECA GLOBAL INVESTMENTS
  • Edgar J. Sullivan, Managing Director, Absolute Return Strategies, GENERAL MOTORS ASSET MANAGEMENT
Gain insights from industry experts such as:
  • William Cisneros, Managing Director, LYSTER WATSON & COMPANY
  • William Grayson, President and Chief Compliance Officer, EGM CAPITAL
  • Thomas Hazuka, Chief Executive Officer, MELLON CAPITAL MANAGEMENT
  • Michael Horst, Director of Investments, DENISON UNIVERSITY
  • Richard Horwitz, Senior Vice President, KENMAR
  • Cheryl-Ann Lister, Chairman and CEO, BERMUDA MONETARY AUTHORITY
  • Susan Mangiero, Managing Member, BUSINESS VALUATION ANALYTICS
  • Mark Szycher, Director of Research and Chief Risk Officer, WESTON CAPITAL MANAGEMENT
  • Steven Weddle, Director, Alternative Assets, ING ALTERNATIVE ASSET MANAGEMENT
For more information or to register contact Tracey Huggett on tel: +44 (0)20 7968 4551 or email: tracey.huggett@incisivemedia.comProgram link

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Singapore's ONLY dedicated single manager conference returns for its 4th year!
25 - 27 May 2005, Grand Hyatt, Singapore

300+ participants in 2004
60+ speakers in 2005
30+ CEO/CIO speakers
20+ hours of networking opportunity
8 panel discussions
4 year track record
3 full conference days

The 3-day conference will again feature a full day dedicated to single strategy Singaporean hedge funds at the 4th annual Hedge Funds World Singapore. On Day 3, we bring together over 20 of the Singapore's best performing single strategy managers and showcase before an audience of fund of fund allocators and institutional investors. This will also be the perfect environment for other single managers to get an insight into what makes a successful fund and what opportunities exist in this dynamic market.

The forum will again feature the highly successful Asian Masters of Hedge Awards and Gala Dinner. Join us for the conclusion of the event, when we go out with a bang as we celebrate excellence in the Asian hedge fund and fund of funds industries. Last year the awards attracted over 300 delegates for the memorable black tie evening, so don't miss out. Register online at www.hedgefundsworld.com/2005/fof_sg or call Rani at Tel: +65 63222 721, or rani.kuppusamy@terrapinn.com

11th Annual Global Alternative Investment Management Forum
6-10 June 2005, Beaulieu, Lausanne, Switzerland

Meet Over 1500 of The Most Influential Global Asset Allocators, Newest Launches & Innovative Players In Commodities, Hedge Funds & Esoteric Strategies

GAIM 2005: Your Winning Shortcut!
Not only is GAIM 2005 the world’s premier and most comprehensive global alternative investment event – it is simply the largest annual meeting place for the most influential and successful industry players.

Over 250 Speakers!
Independently researched and produced, GAIM is as ever committed to delivering you not only the newest funds, the freshest ideas & most innovative strategies but insights from some of the most experienced and serially successful players in the business. Just some of these include:

  • Mark Anson, CalPERS
  • Stanley Fink, MAN Group
  • J. Morgan Rutman, Harvest
  • Paul Gorman, Mayo Foundation
  • Stephan Zimmerman, New Smith Capital Partners
  • Dr Robert Shiller, Yale University
  • Gavyn Davies, Prisma Capital Partners
  • Art Samberg, Pequot
  • Don Philips, Morningstar
  • Sean Simon, Ivy Asset Management
  • Avinash Persaud, GAM
  • Jamil Baz, Deutsche Bank and many many more....

You will find the full programme and registration details on: http://www.icbi-uk.com/r.asp?uID=287

June 27 – 29, 2005 - The Palace Hotel, San Francisco, CA

Keynote Speakers:

Other speakers include:
Jeff Andrews, Camden Asset Management
Sean Barron, Allianz Hedge Fund Partners
Rakesh Bhargava, Blue Spruce Global Advisors
Jim Burritt, Thomas H. Lee Capital
Edward Durkee, Athena Risk Advisors
Josh Feuerman, Btn Partners
Josh Galper, Tabb Group
Albert Hsu, Atlantic Philanthropies
Gregg Hymowitz, EnTrust Capital
Meredith Jones, Strategic Financial Solutions
Greg Kulka, New Mexico State Investment Council
Cary Meer, Kirkpatrick & Lockhart
Bob McSweeney, New York Stock Exchange
Adam Nunes, Nasdaq Transaction Services
Donald Pierce, San Bernardino County Employees' Retirement Association
Ed Rayner, Tannenbaum Helpern
Jacob Schmidt, Allenbridge Hedgeinfo
Jack Selby, Clarium Capital
Neil Selfe, Diversified Global Asset Management
Jamie Selway, White Cap Trading
Larry Smith, Third Wave Global Investors
Jon Thorn, India Capital Fund
Bill Wade, Kirkpatrick & Lockhart
Ben Warwick, Quantitative Equity Strategies
George Yepes, Gottex Fund Management

Pension funds and non-profits attend FREE. All Opalesque readers receive 10% delegate rate. Simply register today www.marhedge.com/conferences/sanfran/sanfran_reg.htm, please use “Opalesque” for your promo code.

2005 Hedge Fund Symposium
July 12-14, 2005
Waldorf Astoria, New York, NY

Each July several hundreds institutional investors, hedge fund managers, pension plan sponsors, fund of hedge fund managers, advisors and other leading decision makers convene in New York to take stock of the burgeoning hedge fund industry and discuss the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead. This year’s theme will be on finding alpha-producing niche strategies in an overcrowded landscape.

For more information, please visit www.srinstitute.com/cx545 .

ISSN Number: 1450-1953
Alternative Market Briefing has been called the best news service on hedge funds. Our mission is to intelligently select and timely provide the most important daily news for professionals dealing with hedge funds. Alternative Market Briefing offers both a quick overview and indepth coverage of all subjects through the "Source" link that leads you to the publicly available online news sources. The concept that we follow is that of a "clipping service" - the added value for you is that we screen, intelligently select and efficiently present each day the most important hedge fund news. The majority of the news sources used do not require a subscription, however some may ask you to register. Once registered, you can access these news sources freely. Please mail us your feedback and suggestions to feedback@opalesque.com - we love to hear from you!

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