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A fund that focuses on trading energy related commodity, equity futures

Wednesday, November 12, 2008
YTD return as of 31Oct. ’08 of +30.88%.

A SQUARE :: 12Nov08 A fund that focuses on trading energy related commodity, equity futures
Category Commodity, Volatility
Author Sona Blessing
Focuses on equity and energy futures - which are subject to, and tends to benefit from a higher volatility environment (especially unanticipated spikes in volatility, fat tail events)
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[27May09] [Commodity] Tactical and strategic insights on managing a commodity fund
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[21May09] [Commodity] Tactical and strategic insights on managing a commodity fund
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[04Mar09] [Commodity] Expertise and insights on investing in “softs”
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[04Mar09] [Commodity] A systematic fund
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[11Mar08] [Volatility] Option Volatility Strategy
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