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16 Jul 2024
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Family Office Forum Sept. 10-11, Wiesbaden Germany

Join Opalesque founder Matthias Knab at the Prestel & Partner Family Office Forum Wiesbaden, the annual event for German-speaking family offices along with 100+ Family Offices!

This is YOUR opportunity to:

  • Meet private investor peers in person
  • Be part of a trusted community in a "safe place"
  • Share experiences and views
  • Access information across Family Governance & Investment best practice topics.
Are you a family office*? You'll enjoy free admission. Simply contact

Are you a partner and service provider for family offices? Then you can purchase one of the strictly limited delegate passes, simply contact

At the Family Office there will be...

  • More family offices on stage than providers,
  • More family offices in the audience than providers.
* Our definition of a true family office is AUM of at least 120 million euros of one or fewer families / private individuals, and the family office does not work as a solution provider for many third parties.

See here for agenda and more information:

Carry-Neutral Tail Risk Hedging: The Ambrus Group's revolutionary approach to protecting your portfolio

In an exclusive interview with Opalesque TV, the founding partners of The Ambrus Group unveil a groundbreaking strategy that is redefining tail risk hedging. Unlike traditional approaches that bleed investor capital during normal market conditions, Ambrus has developed an innovative, carry-neutral m...

Yesterday"s Top Stories

The Big Picture: CTA focused on Chinese futures continues to shine

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Technical Research Briefing

S&P FUTURES (@ES) – Daily

Currently: Long Looking to: Sell @ 4,118.75

As of 3/21/21 @ 7:58pm EST: 3,896

LAST WEEK: We suggested buying dips to 3,875 with stops on a close below 3,840 and with a target for selling longs / getting short at 4,118.75.

UPDATE: S&P futures had a terrible day Thursday and limped into the weekend. Right now, we put possible short-term ceilings at 3,918 or 3,950. If 3,918 holds as short-term resistance, we will look for a dip in the ES futures to 3,818 – 3,820. If 3,950 is tested and holds as resistance instead, we will look for a dip to 3,848 – 3,850 to follow. After this bounce and subsequent dip, we will be buying S&P futures aggressively (unless evidence presents itself that forces us to change our opinion) near one of those support levels.

We would look to buy dips to either 3,849 or 3,818.50 with stops honored on a close below 3,847 and 3,815, respectively. The upside target for either entry will be 4,119. NO SHORTING RIGHT NOW!

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This newsletter is edited by Matthias Knab for Opalesque. For more information about me and Opalesque, please use this link.

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