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Giant mines merger set to fall through

Advisers to lose millions as Xstrata shareholders prepare to vote down £53bn deal with Glencore. Investment bankers working on the troubled Glencore-Xstrata £53bn megamerger will lose almost £70m in fees if, as expected, the deal collapses this week.  (more...)

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Will Australia face a commodities price crisis?

Australia has rode out the economic crisis storm fairly well over the past few years, but will the recent decrease in commodities prices be its downfall? If we put aside for one moment the RBA's use of the concept of trend growth -proof in itself that Australia has escaped many of the effects of the credit crunch era so far!- we see that she saw an expansion in her commodity sector in the first part of 2012. (more...)

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Barclays makes GBP500mln out of global food crisis

Barclays has made as much as half a billion pounds in two years from speculating on food staples such as wheat and soya, prompting allegations that banks are profiting handsomely from the global food crisis. (more...)

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Commodities beating all assets again for first time in 16 months

Commodities beat equities, bonds and the dollar for a second consecutive month, the longest streak in more than a year, on mounting speculation policy makers will seek to rescue their economies. (more...)

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Commodity market overview and opportunity

The dynamics of today's commodity markets are especially interesting. As the secular stock bear market grinds forward, valuations are compressing. Meanwhile, vast numbers of people are finding a better life in emerging countries.  (more...)

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Commodities up a notch in August, says ANZ

The ANZ's New Zealand commodity price index rose by 0.5 per cent in world price terms in the month of August following seven consecutive months of decline, the bank said.  (more...)

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Commodities outlook: ‘Focus on the long term’

Investors interested in commodities should look beyond current short-term concerns, such as the European debt crisis, and focus on the medium to longer term. Over the next 10 years and beyond, many experts predict that demand for commodities will continue to be led by the emerging markets as their development and lifestyles evolve and change, in addition to on-going supply issues within the commodities arena.  (more...)

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Analysts agree that commodities are set for a comeback

August saw commodities beat equities, bonds and the dollar for a second consecutive month, in what was reported as 'the longest streak in more than a year’. The Standard & Poor’s GSCI Total Return Index of 24 commodities rose 6.4 percent in August, led by silver, with silver futures up 13% over August, cocoa and heating oil. Raw materials rose more than 20% since mid-June, and commodities rose more than 80% from December 2008 to June 2011. (more...)

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Global energy companies set their sights on the Mediterranean

Global energy companies are beginning to focus on southern Europe's tourist traps. The balmy Mediterranean has long attracted tourists seeking sun, sea and golden sands. But now, from Cyprus in the east to Spain in the west, the Med is seeing a new influx of visitors in search of far more elusive commodities: oil and gas. (more...)

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Easy commodities profits are gone: Australia Resources Minister

Australia's Resources Minister Martin Ferguson says Australia needs to expand the amount of commodities it exports because "the easy profits out of record prices are gone." (more...)

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Jim Rogers: The commodity bull market has no end in sight

It seems like every day brings bolder statements from Jim Rogers, one of the most respected commodity investors of all time. Rogers has goneon the record recently with calls like gold will drop 20%, silver is a better buy than gold, and anyone who avoids commodities is a fool.  (more...)

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Hedge funds prepare for another oil spike: John Kemp

Hedge funds and other money managers have started to ready themselves for another big spike in oil prices in the next few months, according to positioning data from the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC). (more...)

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Global energy panel calls for investment in clean energy

The International Energy Agency (IEA) Tuesday urged all countries to invest in clean energy for a low-carbon future. IEA Executive Director Maria van der Hoeven said investment in clean energy made economic sense as every additional dollar invested could generate three dollars in future fuel savings by 2050. (more...)

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Can gold reserves save the Eurozone?

The eurozone crisis has been brewing for a long time now. Every week it seems there are new announcements, new austerity measures, new bailouts and more bond auctions as governments and central banks just about keep their heads above water.  (more...)

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IEA head: Oil markets reasonably well-supplied

Global crude-oil markets are reasonably well-supplied, but there are signs of tightening in refined fuel products, the head of the International Energy Agency said Tuesday.  (more...)

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Global oil demand expected to rise in 2012, says study

Global oil demand is expected to rise by 0.8 – 0.9 million barrels per day (around 1 percent) in 2012, above last year’s increment though below the historic average, said a report. Demand in non-OECD countries is seen rising by around 1.2 mbpd (2.9 per cent), while OECD demand is expected to fall by up to 0.4 mbpd (-1.0 per cent), said the latest Kuwait Economic Brief, published by the National Bank of Kuwait (NBK).  (more...)

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TD Securities bullish on commodities, sees gold at $1,775/oz by Q4

Expectations for more monetary stimulus from central banks such as the U.S. Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank should support commodities, particularly gold and silver, said a commodity strategist at a top Canadian bank.  (more...)

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Has QE3 already begun? Gold & commodities may be saying yes

According to recent statements by Bernanke, the Fed stands ready to act with further easing of monetary policy (QE3) if economic conditions warrant it. But let's face it, because the Fed has never been audited we only receive the data they deem fit to publish.  (more...)

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Gold wagers jump to 5-month high as Fed spurs rally

Speculators increased bets on rising gold prices to the highest since March as mounting speculation that the Federal Reserve will expand its record stimulus drove bullion to its second-biggest monthly gain this year. (more...)

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Window of opportunity in gold

Investors with risk appetite may want to look at gold stocks, particularly those of companies ripe for takeover, analysts say. A gap between the price of bullion and gold-mining stocks has emerged, and history shows that it likely won't last long. Equities should catch up to gold prices and close the valuation gap. (more...)

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Global copper inventories to decline substantially this year-Pat Mohr

Substantial production losses and outages at existing copper mines will cause global copper inventories this year to fall to 47 days of consumption from 52 last year, Scotiabank economist Patricia Mohr has forecast. (more...)

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Iraq's oil exports highest in 30 years?

Iraq's crude oil exports have averaged 2.565 million barrels a day in August, the highest level in more than three decades. Ministry spokesman Assem Jihad said on Sunday that last month's revenues stood at $US8.442 billion ($A8.23 billion) based on an average price of $US106 for each barrel. (more...)

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Silver to reach up to $37/oz by second half of 2013

Silver prices likely to average $33-$34 an ounce level in the fourth quarter of this year and as high as $37 in the second quarter of 2013, said TD Securities in a commodity snippet. (more...)

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OPEC to slash crude exports next month as refiners halt production

The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) says it is planning to reduce crude oil exports as major refineries in the US and Europe are halting production for maintenance.  (more...)

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Gold steady near six-month highs

Gold steadied around its highest level in nearly six months on Tuesday, boosted by the prospect of further liquidity injections from the US Federal Reserve, which kept the dollar near two-month lows versus the euro.  (more...)

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Family Office Forum Sept. 10-11, Wiesbaden Germany

Join Opalesque founder Matthias Knab at the Prestel & Partner Family Office Forum Wiesbaden, the annual event for German-speaking family offices along with 100+ Family Offices!

This is YOUR opportunity to:

  • Meet private investor peers in person
  • Be part of a trusted community in a "safe place"
  • Share experiences and views
  • Access information across Family Governance & Investment best practice topics.
Are you a family office*? You'll enjoy free admission. Simply contact

Are you a partner and service provider for family offices? Then you can purchase one of the strictly limited delegate passes, simply contact

At the Family Office there will be...

  • More family offices on stage than providers,
  • More family offices in the audience than providers.
* Our definition of a true family office is AUM of at least 120 million euros of one or fewer families / private individuals, and the family office does not work as a solution provider for many third parties.

See here for agenda and more information:


AIM Summit Dubai Edition Oct. 21-22

Discover the future of alternative investments at the AIM Summit Dubai, 21 & 22 October 2024, where the world's leading minds converge to shape the next era of alternative investments.

Taking place in the vibrant city of Dubai, this edition will gather over 800+ fund managers, institutional investors, family offices, sovereign wealth funds and financial associations and over 100+ global thought leaders, economists and politicians.

Apply to attend today!

As a platform that goes beyond traditional boundaries, AIM Summit offers a unique opportunity for attendees to delve into a wide range of alternative investment classes, including private equity, venture capital, hedge funds, digital assets, fintech, AI, Blockchain, and more.

The summit is designed to provide in-depth analyses of market dynamics, regulatory landscapes, and investment strategies, ensuring that attendees are well-equipped to navigate the complexities of the alternative investment space.

For more information, contact
